Stauffacher Newsletters
In the MyDrive Glarus Family Library you will find a series of newsletters, the Stauffacher Newsletters, written, edited, and published quarterly by Donna (Stauffacher) Utecht from 1992 to 1998.
Donna lived in Stillwater, Minnesota, and for many years enjoyed an avid interest investigating her Stauffacher ancestral roots and facilitating relationships among Stauffacher descendants of Glarner emigrants. For each newsletter subscriber she traced their Stauffacher lineage back to the specific Swiss emigrant and then further back to the original Jakob Stauffacher of the late 1500s. Her Newsletter was a platform that allowed readers to share personal anecdotes, family reunion information, Swiss recipes, and much more.
Her achievement was all the more impressive when one considers that Google, ancestry software, and personal computers in general were not widely available to her in the early 1990s.
With the kind help and support of Steve Marshall, a cousin of Donna Utecht, and the permission of Donna's children, the newsletters could be scanned and thus made available to further interested parties via this website. You can access all Stauffacher newsletters in the download library. To prevent misuse, access must be checked and individually activated. If you are interested in getting access, please contact us via the contact button and we will provide you with the password.
To access the the MyDrive Glarus Family Library you have to klick on the below link and use the following credentials:
Username: stauffachernewsletter
Password: *****

Donna (Stauffacher) Utecht (1924 – 2007)
Publisher of the
Stauffacher Family Association Newsletter (“the Stauffacher Newsletters”)