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Recommended Books about Glarus
Below is a list with interesting books about Glarus sorted according to the main topics. Most of these books are not anymore available in bookstores but could be found on second hand book platforms like
Geschichte des Landes Glarus
Kommissionsverlag J. Baeschlin, Glarus 1952
by Jakob Winteler

Volume 1: XVIII / 483 pages
Volume 2: XI / 690 pages
Benchmark book about the History of Glarus
Volume 1: From the beginnings to 1638
Volume 2: 1638 to the present
Geschichte der Stadt Glarus
Buchdruckerei J. Spälti, Glarus, 1911
by Heinrich Spälti

336 pages
Comprehensive history of the town of Glarus, including folded maps of Glarus and other illustrations.
Glarus - Geschcihte eines ländlichen Hauptortes
Verlag Tschudi & Co., Glarus, 1961
by Jakob Winteler

304 pages
Comprehensive history of the town of Glarus, including numerous illustrations and a photo of the old Glarus model before the fire.
Geschichte der Gemeinde Netstal
Kommissionsverlag J. Baeschlin, Glarus 1922
by Paul Thürer

Handel und Industrie des Kantons Glarus
Aktienbuchdruckerei Glarus, 1898
by Adolf Jenny-Trümpy

Volume 1: 126 pages
Volume 2: 710 pages
Historical representation of the industrial history of the Canton Glarus. Two books in one volume.
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