
Freuler Family Crest (Wappenbuch Glarus)
Freuler II is the commonly used crest

Freuler Family Crest (Wappenbuch Samuel Wild)
Occurrence in Glarus
Ennenda / Glarus / Mitlödi / Näfels / Netstal
About the Freuler Family
The origin of the Freuler family, whose Catholic line played a significant political and military role, especially in the 17th and early 18th centuries, is not clear. Since Catholic representatives of the Glarus Freuler family renewed their citizen rights in Schwyz, especially in the 16th century, and this occurred vice versa, there seems to be a connection with this primordial Canton. On the other hand, we consider it questionable whether Heinrich der Fröwn mentioned in 1372 as guarantor for the monastery of Säckingen and Adelheid Fröwen mentioned in the Jahrzeitbuchof Linthal (book of the yearly commemoration services kept by the Catholic church of the parish of Linthal) have something to do with the later Freuler family name. Likewise, we cannot agree with Kubli-Müller's view that the Protestant line goes back to an immigrant from Schaffhausen.
The first named Freuler is Heini from the parish of Glarus, who died in 1444 in the battle of St. Jacob on the Birs. It is evident from the records compiled by Kubli-Müller, which gives information especially about the second half of the 16th century, that Freuler descendants mainly lived in Mitlödi and worked there as farmers and craftsmen and held on to the old (Catholic) faith. At the end of the century they also provided the Tagwenvogtin Mitlödi. Since the 17th century, they then relocated to Ennenda, Glarus and Näfels, whereupon due to the strong interdependence within the communities the split in the following happened according to the religious denominations.
The Evangelical Freulers of Ennenda and Glarus
Freuler lived mainly in Ennetbühls and since 1700 families settled in Glarus. They worked as surgeons and barbers and also did other crafts. LandweibelMarkus Freuler (1725-1770) founded the goldsmith dynasty, which lasted until the 20th century. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Freuler family also provided no less than eight Protestant pastors. Kosmus Freuler (1780-1838) founded the first printing office in Glarus and subsequently published a series of newspapers and magazines. Among the industrialists is Heinrich Freuler-König (1791-1863) to mention, which opened in 1839 in Ennetbühls a textile printing factory. His two sons then built a new factory in the middle village of Ennenda, which in 1868/69 employed about 200 people.
The Catholic Freulers of Glarus, Näfels and Netstal
Among the first names of the Catholic line Andreas Freuler is mentioned, who served 1554 as bailiff in Mendrisio, but was not recognized in 1562 by Schwyz as a bailiff in Gaster because of allegedly vulnerable speeches. At least a part of his descendants then presumably settled in Näfels during the confessionally tense conditions of the 1660s, but retained the citizenship of the capital town of Glarus.
Among the Glarus Freulers, who are still in bloom today, is Landammann (Heas of State) Balthasar to mention, who held the highest office from 1674 to 1676 and died in 1688. In equally function acted also Georg Freuer, who was elected in 1707 as bailiff in the Gaster. His brother Stefan served 1712 as bailiff in Uznach, bailliwicks which were reigned already by their father Kaspar Freuler. Another Balthasar Freuler became Seckelmeister (State treasurer) in 1705 and later reigned as bailiff in Freiamt and in Lugano.
The Freulers became known above all through the Näfelser lineage, which made a name for itself in foreign war services and also in civil services. Almost all adult carriers of this name have exercised either officer posts or high civil service offices or even both together. This line was probably founded by Christof Freuler, who served as captain in the regiment of Colonel Kaspar Gallati and also married his daughter. His son Colonel Kaspar Freuler, who commanded the French Guards regiment like his grandfather, Colonel Kaspar Gallati, went down in history as the builder of the Freuler palace in Näfels. His son Fridolin (1626-1714) served as a captain in the Guards Regiment and reigned as bailiff in the Rhine Valley. In 1676 he acquired the citizenship of Uri. Kaspar Josef Freuler (1658-1723), a grandson of Kaspar, became Cantonal ensign, bailiff in the Gaster and was 1699-1701 and 1709-1711 Landammann (Head of State).
Johann Caspar Gabriel Freuler (1697-1736), the eldest son of the Landammann, officiated at a young age as bailiff in the Gaster and in Uznach, offices that were also exercised by his brother Fridolin Anton Josef (1693-1752). The third son, Johann Jodokus Fridolin (1703-1782), made a brigadier in Neapolitan military services and served at home as a Pannerherr (Ensign), as well as bailiff in Mendrisio and in the Maggiatal.
The last male Freuler from Näfels was Fridolin Joseph Anton Freuler, colonel and knight of the Order of St. Louis. The Freulers from Netstal also belonged to the Catholic line.
Interpretation of the Family Crest
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Band 3, p 329
Stucki Fritz, 50 alte Glarner Familien, p 31-33
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 32-33