Stäger Family Crest (Wappenbuch Glarus)
Stäger III is the commonly used crest

Stäger Family Crest (Wappenbuch Samuel Wild)
Occurrence in Glarus
Glarus / Mitlödi
About the Stäger Family
Stäger is one of the oldest families in Glarus. The ancestral seat is most probably Mitlödi. The name goes back to a field name. Hugo von Stegi was mayor of Windegg under count Hartmann dem Älteren von Kyburg (about 1182-1264). 1388 Ruedi Stäger from Glarus perished in the battle of Näfels and 1444 Hans Stäger from Glarus perished in the battle of St. Jakob an der Birs. 1494 Hans Stäger was a delegate from Glarus at the Tagsatzung (convention) in Lucerne and four years later baillif of Gaster. Adam Stäger from Mitlödi was 1570 baillif of Gaster and 1572 Johann Stäger from Mitlödi was baillif of Uznach. The first baillif of Werdenberg was Jakob Stäger who fought 1515 in the battle of Marignano. In 1568, the brothers Wolfgang, Hans Christian Max and Lienhard were ennobled by the Viennese Court. They founded the still existing line of Stäger in Maienfeld and Zizers.
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Band 6, p 492
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 74-75