Zentner Family Crest (Wappenbuch Glarus)
Zentner I is the commonly used crest
Occurrence in Glarus
About the Zentner Family
Old, reformed council family from Elm, who, at the latest in the first decades of the 16th century, unknown from where, immigrated and were included in the land law and Tagwenrecht. On the basis of a trial of the brothers Blasius and Hans Zentner on 2 September 1573 against Klaus Fischli, according to which the Zentner family would have wanted to buy the land right at that time, but did not pay the purchase fee, the council confirms on 24 November the legal and unrestricted ownership of the land right of the Zentner family. This Council decision was entered in the land register on 16 March 1574 for confirmation.
Progenitor of the Zentner family is Martin Zentner, who bought the land around 1520 with 4 sons. Peter Zentner is listed in the French soldier lists 1586-1587, Martin Zentner, died 1624, was the first of his family to hold an alderman's office; Hans Zentner swore an oath of honour (Urfehde) in 1610. 1776 Jakob and Hans Jakob Zentner renew the land rights in Schanfigg.
Gilg Zentner (1843-1914) was the owner of the spring at Gschwend in Elm. In 1892 he had the water chemically analysed and found out that it contained a lot of iron. Soon after he tapped the first spring in Gschwend, built a bathhouse and sold the water in wicker bottles. In 1898 a spa was opened in Elm for guests from all over the world, also because of the many bathers and the water, which people at that time believed to have healing properties. In the late 19th century, the small Swiss mountain village of Elm became a health resort with international appeal. The Elm water is marketed on a large scale for the first time. In 1927, the owner of the Kurhaus, Oskar Schärli, achieved a resounding success with the invention of the Elmer Citro. This success continues into our own time.
Nick Zentner (1962) is a geology professor at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. Outside of his work with the university, he is known for his online videos covering the geology of the Northwestern United States and his series Nick on the Rocks.
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Volume 7, p 646
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 94