The Gallo-Roman temple discovered on Hüttenböschen, a small elevation 100 m west of Lake Walen, probably dates from 50 to 150 AD. originated and used until the 4th century. In the 8th century large property in Mollis fell to the monastery Säckingen. The parts of a medieval Letzimauer (Letzi wall) at Beglingen were possibly only created after the Battle of Näfels (1388). The chapel was built in 1280 and became a church in 1319. In 1444 the parish of Mollis was separated from the parish of Glarus, to which Mollis had formerly belonged. The new parish also included Näfels and Oberurnen. Fridolin Brunner, from 1523 to 1525 pastor in Mollis, initiated the Reformation. Due to strong resistance of the Catholics pictures and Mass were only abolished in 1529. Näfels and Oberurnen subsequently formed their own catholic Parish. Despite the contractual settlement of 1532 this parish and the parish of Mollis still settled long and serious disputes. In 1761 the present church was built by Hans Ulrich Grubenmann with a remarkable roof structure. The Catholic Marien church, which is subordinate to the parish of Näfels, dates from 1963.
Until the 15th century, self-sustaining agriculture based on sheep farming dominated; then the breeding of cattle for export prevailed, which led to the expansion of alpine farming. In the 18th century, the farmers switched their farms to dairy farming. The commercial activities that began in the 16th century unfolded especially in the 17th and 18th centuries. Therapeutic baths existed at Walenberg in the 16th century and on the Rüfi from about 1600 until the 19th century. Between 1714 and 1789, cotton hand spinning and from 1760 hand weaving increased prosperity among the whole population. A testimony to this early industrialization is the so-called Fabrikhof, a manufactory built around 1785 in the form of a late Baroque mansion. Because of the many Molliser who served as officers in foreign military services, Mollis was considered during the Helvetik time as a "Aristokratennest" (aristocrat nest). Mollis was severely affected by acts of war and billeting between 1798-1803. The construction of the Escher channel 1807-11 and the finishing of the Linth correction 1827 allowed the settlement of old disputes with neighboring villages regarding the Linth lining. The Kerenzerberg road was built between 1836-51. In 1859, the connection to the network of the United Swiss Railways happened. In the 19th century, several textile mills and textile printers were created. The spinning and weaving plant of Jenny, founded in 1856, was in use until 1967. The Wäschefabrik Pfeiffer AG (laundry plant), established in 1860, was taken over in 2000 by the American company Standard Textile Company Inc. The textile companies were gradually replaced by numerous companies from different industries. Since the 18th century, the quarries have been operated on the Linth bridge and in Haltengut.
Mollis built only in 1862 the first school building. The secondary school, which was run between 1863-72 and then from 1883, has been open to students from Kerenzen since 1973. The girls' education institution founded in 1846 (later children's and youth home) was closed in 1983. the country estate Haltli built in 1782-84, housed between 1850-70 and 1890-92 a daughter's institute. Since 1912, the buildings have been used by a school for mentally handicapped children. The old people's home Hof opened in 1973. The military airfield on the common land was created in 1936 (since 2005 a sports airfield). The townscape of national importance is enriched by several manor houses from the 17th and 18th centuries.

The Catholic Church of St. Mary
(build in 1963)

The Evangelic Church
The Evangelic Church of Mollis
(build in 1761)
Family Names from Mollis
Am Bühl