Below is a list with interesting books about Glarus Families. Most if not all of these books are in German and not anymore available in bookstores but could be found on second hand book platforms like
Recommended Books about Glarus Families
Die Unternehmerfamilie Tschudi aus dem Glarnerischen Schwanden
Glarus 2003
by Karin Marti-Weissenbach

356 pages with numerous illustrations; Appendix, paperback, 104 pages
The present family history, a commissioned work, offers an in-depth description of eleven generations of a branch of the Tschudi von Schwanden. Especially from 1790 onwards, the author can draw on rich source material such as letters or copies of letters, sales contracts, photographs, etc., and is therefore able to reconstruct the biographies of the individual protagonists, in some cases down to the last detail. For the 19th century, a vivid picture emerges of the changing living conditions, customs, mentalities in the family over the decades. The ascent from physically hard-working small entrepreneurs, who everywhere lend a hand themselves, to representatives of Swiss big finance takes place over three generations, not without dangers and setbacks.
Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus
Roto-Sadag, Genf, 1937
by Ida Tschudi-Schümperlin and Jakob Winteler

120 pages description / 40 colour tables / 10 black/white tables / 2 pages sources and literture
Heraldry book of Glarus. Coat of arms of all Glarus families from the oldest times up to the present with a directory of all citizen families of Glarus.
Coat of Arms of Glarus Families also on the website of the Landesarchiv in Glarus
50 alte Glarner Familen
Buchdruckerein Schwanden, Walter Feldmann AG, Schwanden 1989
by Dr. h.c. Fritz Stucki

106 pages
50 old Glarus families. A research paper with a description of 50 families from the canton Glarus written by Dr. h. c. Fritz Stucki, old Landammann, on behalf of the Glarner Kantonalbank
500 Jahre Genealogie und Geschichte des Glarner Geschlechtes Gallati
Heller-Druck Arbon, 1984
by Mogens Mogensen-Gallati

Die Jenny-Familien im Kanton Glarus
Buchdruckerei J. Spälti & Cie., Glarus, 1929
by Johann Jakob Kubly-Müller and an introduction by Dr. phil. Adolf Jenny

577 pages
The Jenny family of Glarus
Excerpt from the genealogy book archived in the Landesarchiv Glarus, with an introduction by Dr. phil. Adolf Jenny. Numerious illustrations and pictures.
Aus der Geschichte der Familie Schindler von Mollis
Buchdruckerei Neue Glarner Zeitung, Glarus, 1936
by Jakob Winteler

211 pages
The History of the Schindler family from Mollis
In 1932, the first volume about the history of the Schindler family from Mollis was issued with the titel "Landammann Dietrich Schindler and his ancestors and descendants"
In 1936, the second volume was issued and deals with the most famous representatives of the Schindler family.
A chart with the descendants is attached to the book
Über den Ursprung des Glarner Geschlechtes Stauffacher und seine ersten Vertreter
Sonderausgabe aus Jahrbuch 44 (1925) des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus
by Dr. Frieda Gallati

67 pages
The History of the Stauffacher family from the Sernftal
About the origin of the Stauffacher family and its first representatives (Heini und Ueli Murer).
Carlos Tschudi - Ein Dankesbuch
Privatdruck, 1930
by Carlos Tschudi

152 pages
A history of the von Tschudi family, with genealogical tables and portraits
Zur Geschichte der bürgerlichen Geschlechter von Engi und ihre Entwicklung
Buchdruckerei Glarner Nachrichten, Glarus,1923
by Martin Baumgartner

65 pages
The History of the Citizen Families of Engi and Their Development. Public Lectures by Martin Baumgartner, teacher in Engi. Self-published by the author. The following families are discussed: Altmann, Baumgartner, Blumer, Bräm, Giger, Hämmerli, Luchsinger, Marti, Norder and Wyss.
Sue Wolf translated the book into English and is available on the Swiss Genealogy on the Internet website
Zur Geschichte glarnerischer Geschlechter, derjenigen des Sernftales insbesondere
Druck und Verlag von Rud. Tschudy, Glarus, 1920
by Gottfried Heer

147 pages
The History of the Glarus families, especially of the Sernf Valley. A medley of pictures from past days. The following families are discussed: Altmann, Bäbler, Daumgartner, Beglinger, Blumer, Bräm, Disch, Elmer, Freitag, Giger, Hämmerli, Hauser, Hefti, Kubli, Luchsinger, Madutz, Marti, Rhyner, Schneider, Schuler, Speich, Stauffacher, Wirth, Wohlwend, Wyss and Zentner. The book includes a coat of arms table.
Sue Wolf translated the book into English and is available on the Swiss Genealogy on the Internet website
Zur Geschichte glarnerischer Geschlechter, insbesondere derjenigen der Gemeinde Mollis
Buchdruckerei Glarner Nachrichten, Glarus,1921
by Gottfried Heer

76 pages
The History of the Glarus families, especially from Mollis. A medley of pictures from past days. The following families are discussed: Zwicki, Schindler, Leuzinger, Beglinger, Pfeiffer, Laager, Winteler, Gallati, Lütschg, Weber, Schellenbaum, Schmid, Schuler and Streiff.
Zur Geschichte glarnerischer Geschlechter, der Kirchgemeinde Betschwanden insbesondere
Jahrbuch des historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus, 1878
by Gottfried Heer

104 pages
The History of the Glarus families, especially of the parish Betschwanden. The following families are discussed: Elmer, Wichser, Schuler, Wala, Schiesser, Störi, Vögeli, Knobel and Legler.
Zur Geschichte glarnerischer Geschlechter, derjenigen des Eschentagwens insbesondere
Jahrbuch des historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus, 1891
by Gottfried Heer

112 pages
The History of the Glarus families, especially of the Eschentagwen (Luchsingen, Hätzingen, Nidfurn). The following families are discussed: Speich, Schmid, Ott, Figi, Blumer, Kundert, Baumgartner and Böniger.
Geschichte der ältern Bürger-Geschlechter der Gemeinde Näfels
Separat-Abdruck aus dem Glarner Volksblatt, Näfels, 1921
by Gottfried Heer

23 pages
The History of the Glarus families, especially from Näfels. The following families are discussed: Müller, Hauser, Landolt, Gallati, Schwitter, Fischli, Feldmann, Aebli, Maurer, Oswald, Grüninger, Leu, Hophan, Tschudi and Reding.
Die Zweifel von der Frutt. Geschichte einer Glarner Bergbauernfamilie
Eigenverlag Ruedi Zweifel, 2012
by Ruedi Zweifel

100 pages
Ruedi Zweifel tells the story of his own family. He traces the family back to the year 1302, when his ancestors still lived in Schänis in the Gaster.
He represents the history of the generations in the context of nature, economy, society and politics. A very entertaining lecture.
Copies of the book are available from Baeschle in Glarus
Geschichte der Familie Blumer / Stammtafeln und Bilder zur Geschichte der Blumer
Archiv für schweizerische Familienkunde, Band 1, Zürich, 1945
by Walter Blumer

History: 192 pages / Charts: 90 pages
The history and pedigrees of the Blumer families from Nidfurn, Schwanden and Glarus. Numerious tables and pictures. 2 volumes.
Geschichte und Genealogie der Uralt Adeligen Familie von Tschudy, von Tschudi, Tschudy, Tschudi
Eigenverlag, 2002
by Fridolin Tschudy

Very comprehensive representation of the history and the pedigrees of the Tschudi family. The author issued 3 volumes:
Volume 1: Introduction, Origin of the Family, Patents of Nobility, Coat of Arms, Development of the Family and the most renowned representatives, Complete Genealogy Part I: Pre-Reformation time and the Catholics
Volume 2: Part II: Protestant Families,Glarus Section II and Section III Ennenda
Volume 3: Part IV: Protestant Families, Schwanden Section IV, Näfels Section V
Copies of the CD available from Baeschlin in Glarus
Chronik der Familie Wild. Eine mehr als 500 Jahre alte Familiengeschichte
Eigenverlag, 2016
by Patrick A. Wild

136 pages
The author tells the story of his own family. He traces the family back to 15th century, when the family emigrated from the Catholic area of the Toggenburg to the place where Ulrich Zwingli, the uncle of the progenitor´s wife, acted at that time.
He represents the history of each generations in the context of history, economy, society and politics. A very entertaining lecture.
Copies of the book available from the author
Baumgartner's - A History: In words and Pictures
Monroe 2018
by Wendy (Hahlen) Fjelstad / Tom Fey / Larry W. Phillips

335 pages
Baumgartner's is a legendary cheese store in Monroe, Wisconsin, on the west side of the Courthouse Square, known world-wide for its conviviality, old-world charm, and above all the quality of its cheese. This book is a history of the Bob Hahlen era at Baumgartner's, using available photos and articles, but it is also a time-line of the great proprietors who have come both before and after, and the colorful devotees who have followed them.
Copies of the book available from Amazon
Cousins: A Swiss Immigrant's Family Story
(English) 2023
by Douglas L. Karlen

Cousins is a family story about John Jacob Trumpy (Trümpi) and Rosa Barbara (Zentner) Trumpy who lived in Green County Wisconsin, near the towns of New Glarus and Monticello. Beginning with the family roots and emigration from in Glarus, Switzerland, the story highlights Jacob and Rosa’s life, their children, and their families (first cousins). There is an historical context, with reflections on farming, cheese-making, owning land, and family life. Told from the persona of a storyteller with Swiss Pride, it shows respect for all who are remembered.